Thursday, February 23, 2012

The blessings of late nights

I had planned a thoughtful post, filled with the revelations I've been seeing lately, but to be honest, I am tired. I sit here after midnight, which is not unusual, looking at piles of paper for IEP meetings, taxes, e-mails and calls to be returned, paperwork for doctors to sign, and Case's infusion and neurosurgery check-up staring me in the face in the morning.

I am weary. And then I'm feeling guilty that I'm weary. We had a wonderful day today. There are those much worse off than me. There are those I know who have lost their children recently. There are those I know without jobs. Who I am to complain?

Complain, I should not. But, still tired I feel. I am wholly insufficient for this work. But I often still try to do it on my own. Why do I do that?
"'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me."
2 Cor. 12:9.

God is sufficient. And frankly, when I think about it, if I went back to a life where I could delude myself into believing that I was strong enough, organized enough, smart enough, and energetic enough to get it all done, would I continue to realize how much I needed the Lord and his strength and grace every day?

Probably not.

So God, thank you, for all these tasks. Thank you for the late nights. Thank you for continuing to sustain me throughout the next days. May I do it all for your glory.