Thursday, September 29, 2011

Getting nothing done?

I often lie in bed at night and either think to myself or say aloud to my husband “I got absolutely nothing done today.” It is usually because something unexpected happened – a snow day, one of the kids is sick, several phone calls from case workers or insurance problems.

I have a list. I work from my list. I check things off my list. I even have a master list and a daily list. And an online list.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I'll take Blessed, with a side of MPS

I often say that I wouldn't wish MPS on anyone else. The heartache, the initial despair, the sorrow that somehow something you did brought this horror on your family, the gut wrenching sobbing that makes you throw up before you ever get a normal breath back.

No. Of course I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

But when balanced against the blessings and miracles and wonderful people that MPS brings, then again, maybe I would.

If I could reorder our world, would I create it any differently?