Monday, August 15, 2011

A Life, Distracted

We grow up. We go to college (or not). We meet a wonderful person. We get married. We have children. We work. We play. We sleep (or not so much).

We watch TV. We play video games. We Facebook and tweet. We talk incessantly about minutae, politics, the market, the weather. We clean (or not). We cook (maybe not well). And the cycle continues.

What is wrong with that picture? Aren't all those things necessary, or at least not terrible?

Monday, August 8, 2011

Is there a downside?

Since Case was diagnosed, I felt compelled to find the bright side. That is not to say that I was happy and optimistic all the time - it is of course a process ... to process. But, if you live in a cloud of "what ifs" and gloomy prognoses, there is so little left of you to enjoy the child that is still with you.

I was reminded by wiser MPS mothers at the beginning of this journey that Case did not change. He was the same the day before he was diagnosed as he was the day after. His outlook, his love for his family, and funny antics did not disappear in one day. Wise, wise women.

But in some ways, MPS actually made him...